Many busy professionals feel that working out isn’t worth the time unless they can exercise for forty minutes or longer and it’s true that many healthcare workers and government agencies used to recommend that all adults get thirty consecutive minutes of aerobic exercise per day. But this is a 21st-century exercise: to reap its health benefits you don't need to complete an intensive session all at once; short, intense segments throughout your day have proven just as successful at burning calories, increasing cardio endurance, and lowering blood pressure and cholesterol. Five minutes can go a long way towards balancing hormones in your body and increasing happiness - amazing, right? No longer do you need to find large chunks of free time just to work out, instead take five minutes out for a coffee break to feel renewed in just minutes!

One of the great advantages of shorter workouts is their potential to transform your body with minimal time commitment and effort. Incorporating strength training exercises into your daily schedule is a powerful tool for both heart health and muscle strength. Spend five minutes doing lower body exercises and after several weeks you can tell a difference. Spend ten minutes on a power workout and results will show up in three weeks or less. Use the following ten-minute express workouts on a regular basis for a month and you will see remarkable changes in your body’s strength. You can do these workouts in your office with the door closed or, if your office is a cubicle, in the restroom or some other private area. Do whatever is necessary for you to fit in your exercise time at work.

Express Workout 1: Hips and Thighs

Hips and thighs can be a frustrating area to shape up, especially for women. Thanks to the physiological design of female bodies, fat tends to be stored in the thighs and hips and can be very resistant to toning efforts. Perform this routine three to four times weekly in conjunction with aerobic exercise and your body will begin to reshape in six to ten weeks. 


Squats are performed by standing with feet about shoulder-width apart and arms by sides. Keep a strong posture and slowly lower your buttocks as though about to sit down in a chair. Lower several inches and then slowly raise.


Adopted from ballet, pliès are performed by standing with feet just wider than shoulder-width and toes pointed outward. With a hand on a chair or wall for balance, slowly drop body straight down for several inches and then come back up. To increase intensity, on the final pliè, stay in a lowered position and slowly pulse your body up and down about an inch. This fatigues the muscle faster.


Lunges can be performed while standing with feet approximately shoulder-width apart and hands resting on hips, with feet about shoulder width apart and hands on hips. Take one large step forward with one foot before taking another large step with both feet simultaneously until your rear foot lands on its toes; turn up until balanced on your toes then slowly lower yourself until your front knee forms an acute angle - slowly raise yourself back up before repeating on both sides.

Leg Stretches: 

Start by standing with feet shoulder-width apart and one hand grasping onto a chair or wall for stability. Raise one leg behind you while reaching behind with one hand to grab and gently pull back towards the buttocks using your hand to stretch the quadriceps muscle in front of the leg; repeat for each leg.

For stretching the calf muscle, place one foot slightly in front of you and point your toes up, balancing on the heel. Keep your weight on the foot that is not being stretched. Repeat on both sides.

All times are approximate.

0:01 – 1:00 – Begin by walking briskly in place to warm up the muscles. Warming the muscles makes them pliable and will allow you to work longer.

1:01 – 3:00 – Perform as many squats as possible in two minutes.

3:01 – 4:00 – Rest for one minute.

4:01 – 6:00 – Perform as many pliès as possible in two minutes.

6:01 – 7:00 – Rest for one minute.

7:01 – 9:00 – Perform as many lunges (both legs) as possible in two minutes.

9:01 – 10:00 – Recovery and stretching.

Express Workout 2 – Arms and Shoulders

Building strength in your upper body is a vital part of any workout plan and fortunately it can be a fairly easy area to strengthen. Powerful arms are important for both men and women to assist with everyday life – it’s surprising how many typical daily tasks require using the shoulders, back and arms. By building those muscles, you will take some of the daily stress of your body. This 10-minute express workout develops the biceps, triceps, upper back muscles and shoulders.

Bicep Curls: 

Curls are done by standing with your feet about shoulder-width apart and weights in both hands. Tuck your elbows firmly against your sides with palms facing forward. Raise and lower the weight slowly over five counts to simulate shoulder exercises, repeating these for each set.

Overhead Press: 

An overhead press can be performed by standing with feet approximately shoulder width apart and with an upright back, holding weight in each hand.. Bring the hands up to the shoulders and then slowly lift up for a count of 5. Raise the weights until the arm is almost fully extended; then release and lower downward.

Triceps Raise: 

Stand tall with feet slightly more than shoulder-width. With weights in hands, lift straight overhead until almost fully extended. Turn palms inward to face each other. Slowly begin to lower the weight down toward your back until the elbow forms a right angle; then raise the weight.

Forward Press:

Standing with feet a few inches past shoulder-width. With weights in hands, bring up to shoulders. Slowly press the weights forward; then pull back. Be sure to keep arms level with shoulders and move forward and back slowly.


Stretch the arms by raising your arms overhead, dropping one hand behind your head and using the other hand to gently press the elbow back to stretch the triceps muscle. Repeat with the other arm. Next, raise both arms overhead, lace fingers together and press arms outward. Lastly, bring one arm across the front of your body and use the other hand to press the arm against the body to stretch the biceps muscle.

0:01 – 0:30 – Warm up

0:31 – 2:30 – Perform as many slow, quality biceps curls as possible within two minutes.

2:31 – 3:00 – Rest for thirty seconds.

3:01 – 5:00 – Begin overhead raises and complete as many quality raises as possible within two minutes.

5:01 – 5:30 – Rest for thirty seconds.

5:31 – 7:30 – Complete as many accurate triceps presses as possible within two minutes.

7:31 – 8:00 – Rest for thirty seconds.

8:01 – 10:00 – Complete as many properly done forward presses as possible within two minutes.

Extra time: Stretch if you have time available.

Express Workout 3 – Abdominal Muscles

Having strong core muscles is crucial to protecting the spine and maintaining good posture. When your body is supported by strong central muscles it’s easier to perform everyday tasks as well as exercise. Abdominal workouts won’t flatten the stomach – that requires aerobic exercise – but they will strengthen and tone the muscles.

Basic Curls: 

Perform the basic curl by lying on your back with knees bents. Place your fingertips at your ears and use your stomach muscles to pull yourself about five or six inches. Slowly lower back down. Avoid using momentum to perform the exercises.


Begin in the basic curl position. Contract stomach muscles and lift to the right as you bring your right elbow to your left knee. Switch and bring left elbow to right knee.


Begin in the basic curl position but prop your upper body up on your elbows. Straighten both legs, then lift both of them several inches off of the floor. Pull your right leg toward your body while simultaneously pulling in and then extending out your left leg; continue this sequence, effectively "bicycling."

Rope Climb: 

Start in a basic curl position, lifting both legs straight up into the air while keeping your upper body flat on the floor. Utilizing abdominals to lift off of the back of upper back from the floor while using arms and hands as "rope", pretend you are climbing it by grasping with either hand - right for right side of floor, left hand for left side of floor and switch hands after every set-off-floor move -


When lying on your stomach with hands at shoulder height, slowly use your hands to lift and stretch abdominals using hand lifts.

0:01 – 2:00 – Perform as many well-done basic curls as possible within two minutes.

2:01 – 2:30 – Rest for thirty seconds.

2:31 – 4:30 – Complete as many accurate cross-curls as possible within two minutes.

4:31 – 5:00 – Rest for thirty seconds.

5:01 – 7:00 – “Bicycle” for two minutes.

7:01 – 7:30 – Rest for thirty seconds.

7:31 – 9:30 – “Climb” the “rope” for two minutes.

9:31 – 10:00 – Stretch the abdominal muscles.

Read more: Does a training mask help you lose weight?

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TrainingMask being used by man running up concrete stairs


Improved Performance Muscle & Strength

Resistance breathing strengthens respiratory muscles, leading to improved lung capacity thresholds and more efficient breathing.

man running down street using Training Mask 3.0 for resistance breathing performance


Enhanced Athletic Performance

By strengthening the respiratory muscles and improving lung capacity, athletes can enhance their oxygen uptake during exercise, leading to improved endurance and performance.

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Sleep Quality Improvement

Helps improve sleep quality by promoting relaxation and reducing stress levels that create conducive environment for restful sleep by strengthening the respiratory muscles and improving airflow during sleep.


Calmly Focused

Resistance Breathing devices like Training Mask can help activate the parasympathetic nervous system. This technique involves inhaling through the nose and exhaling slowly through exhale valves that create resistance to the airflow. By slowing down and extending the exhalation, resistance breathing stimulates the vagus nerve, leading to a relaxation response, reduced heart rate, and increased feelings of calm and well-being.

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Revolutionize your training and take your fitness to the next level with TrainingMask. Our cutting-edge training equipment is designed to enhance your performance, improve endurance, and optimize your workouts. Whether you're a professional athlete, fitness enthusiast, or someone looking to improve their overall health, TrainingMask has the tools you need to reach your goals.